
  1. "On the dimension of algebraic stacks - motivated by moduli of spaces of sheaves and vector bundles, 第二回宇都宮大学代数幾何研究集会, Utsunomiya University, September 2019
  2. Classifying the irreducible components of moduli stacks of torsion-free sheaves on K3 surfaces and an application to Brill-Noether theory, Kinosaki Symposium on Algebraic Geometry 2020, Online, October 2020
  3. Classifying the irreducible components of moduli stacks of torsion-free sheaves on K3 surfaces and an application to Brill-Noether theory, 第四回数理新人セミナー, Online, February 2021
  4. Classifying the irreducible components of moduli stacks of torsion-free sheaves on K3 surfaces and an application to Brill-Noether theory, 2021年度日本数学会年会, Online, March 2021
  5. An explicit costruction of derived moduli stacks of Harder-Narasimhan filtrations, 第18回数学若手研究集会, online, March 2022
  6. An explicit costruction of derived moduli stacks of Harder-Narasimhan filtrations, 第3回宇都宮大学代数幾何研究集会, Online, March 2022
  7. An explicit costruction of derived moduli stacks of Harder-Narasimhan filtrations, 日本数学会2022年度年会, March 2022
  8. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 第4回宇都宮大学代数幾何研究集会, Utsunomiya University, March 2023
  9. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 日本数学会2023年度年会, Chuo University, March 2023
  10. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 第10回(非)可換代数とトポロジー, Shinsyu University, March 2023
  11. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 第27回代数学若手研究会, Tsukuba University, March 2023
  12. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 東北大代数セミナー, Tohoku University, 2023年5月12日
  13. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 特異点セミナー, Nihon University, 2023年6月12日
  14. The Projectivity of Bridgeland Moduli Spaces of del Pezzo Surface of Picard Rank Three, Derived Categories, Moduli Spaces, and Counting Invariants, Imperial College London, 2023年7月3日〜7月7日 (Poster)
  15. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 阪大代数幾何学セミナー, Osaka University, 2023年11月20日

Conferences (I organized or am organizing)

  1. 第4回宇都宮大学代数幾何研究集会, Utsunomiya University, 2023年2月28日〜3月2日
  2. 第28回代数学若手研究会, Waseda university, 2024年2月27日〜3月1日
